Services On Demand
Contracted and as Needed:
Same Day Courier Service
1-hr Stat Services (within the downtown Cleveland area)
2-hr (or less) Standard Services (within the Cuyahoga county area)
Expedited Service (Outside the Cuyahoga county area)
Nationwide Freight Service
Door to Door Delivery Service
Dock to Dock Delivery Service
Real-Time Driver Communication & Updates
Safe Compliant DriversReliable Safe Drivers
Freight Services
Expedited and Scheduled:
Local & Nationwide shipments
Available 24/7/365
Dock to Dock Service
Route/ Routine Service
Cargo Vans, Straight Box Trucks, and 53ft Dry Vans
Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, & Scheduled Services
Dedicated / Exclusive Services
Line Haul / Back Haul Services
FTL/LTL Freight
Real-Time Tracking with Signature POD’s
Safe Compliant Drivers
Courier Services
Local and Regional:
Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly
Set Appointments, Scheduled In Advance
Customized Routes For Every Need
Legal Court Documents, Time Stamped/ Rush Filings
Medical Specimen (Temperature regulated if needed)
Equipment, Supplies, Materials
Pharmaceutical Deliveries
Automotive Parts
Engineered Parts
Industrial Parts
Boxes, Crates, Pallets
Distribution Centers, Factories